Our goal is to design and implement socio-economic development projects with emphasis on social inclusion to alleviate poverty and create wealth for low income communities (rural, peri-urban and urban). Over the years, FOCEP has been able to achieve the following exclusively and in some cases in partnership and/or the delivery of technical support for partners. Some of these achievements have been outlined below:

FOCEP, has over years facilitated community sensitization interventions as strategy to reduce discriminations and stigmatization against persons with disability and persons with mental health disability in the Mamprugu-Moaduri district of the North East region. It is refreshing to note that this community sensitization was carried out in collaboration with Ghana Health Service and the Department of Social Welfare.
With funding from UKAID
FOCEP has facilitated persons with disability to access the Disability Fund of the District Assembly Common Fund which has enable many people with disability to establish income generating ventures as a sustainable way of generating income to supplement their family needs.
FOCEP in partnership with Ghana Somubi Dwumadie collaborated with the traditional authorities and religious leaders in 3 communities in Mamprugu-Moaduri districts to remove social and cultural practices that discriminate and stigmatize persons with disability and persons with mental health disability. The traditional and religious leaders pledged their support and urged community members stop using derogatory names against persons with disabilities and persons with mental health conditions.
With funding from UKAID
FOCEP has facilitated sustainable farming systems for over 4000 smallholder farmers on Good Agronomic Practices (GAP’s) to capacitate farmers to take farming as a business to increase income and ensure food security. This intervention was funded by BUSAC Fund
FOCEP has also organized innovative farming systems training for 1500 smallholder farmers using Farmer –to- Farmer (f2f) concept where low-skilled smallholder farmers are connected successful farmers for technology and knowledge transfer to enhance on food security production and productivity in the Builsa North District of the Upper East region.
Currently FOCEP is implementing a one year Disability and Mental Health disability intervention programme in partnership with Ghana Somubi Dwumadie to promote equal rights and opportunities for persons with disability and persons with mental health disabilities in the Mamprugu Moaduri District of the North East Region.
With funding from UKAID
The organization has made positive strides in the areas of Farmer Based Organizations to strengthen FBO’s development to enhance the value-chain development. A total number of 150 FBO’s have formed and trained on group dynamics and Good Agronomic Practices (GAP’s) in Northern Ghana
In the field of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR’s) issues, the organization has organized series of capacity development training sessions for young people to equip and empower them with appropriate information to enable them take independent decisions with respect to their sexual rights. In addition, the organization has facilitated training sessions with service providers to create an enabling environment by providing Youth Friendly Services (YFS) to young people to access services.